Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Faculty and Staff

Department Chair

Timothy J. Schuh

Timothy J. Schuh

  • Professor of Biology
  • Ph.D. 1990, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Mathematics Faculty

Keith M. Agre

Keith M. Agre

  • Professor of Mathematics
  • Ph.D. 2000, University of Nebraska at Lincoln

William B. Branson

  • Associate Professor of Mathematics
  • Ph.D. 2000, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dale R. Buske

Dale R. Buske

  • Professor of Mathematics
  • Ph.D. 1997, Iowa State University of Science and Technology
Jiang-Ping (Jeff) Chen

Jiang-Ping (Jeff) Chen

  • Professor of Mathematics
  • Ph.D. 1996, Yale University
Nick C. Fiala

Nick C. Fiala

  • Associate Professor of Mathematics
  • Ph.D. 2002, Ohio State University
Danrun Huang

Danrun Huang

  • Professor of Mathematics
  • Ph.D. 1992, University of Maryland - College Park
Stephen M. Walk

Stephen M. Walk

  • Professor of Mathematics
  • Ph.D. 1999, University of Notre Dame
Peiyi Zhao

Peiyi Zhao

  • Professor of Mathematics
  • Ph.D. 1990, University of Iowa

Mathematics Education Faculty

Sonja L. Goerdt

Sonja L. Goerdt

  • Professor of Mathematics Education
  • Ph.D. 2007, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Melissa B. Hanzsek-Brill

Melissa B. Hanzsek-Brill

  • Professor of Mathematics Education
  • Ph.D. 1997, University of Georgia
Bishnu Naraine

Bishnu Naraine

  • Professor of Mathematics Education
  • Ph.D. 1989, Ohio State University
Roozbeh Vakil

Roozbeh Vakil

  • Professor of Mathematics Education
  • Ph.D. 1992, Kansas State University

Developmental Mathematics Faculty

Nicolas Haverhals

Stephanie Houdek

Samuel Judnick

Stacy Martig

Statistics Faculty

Michael D. Ernst

Michael D. Ernst

  • Professor of Statistics
  • Ph.D. 1997, Southern Methodist University
Cynthia L. Hollenstein

Cynthia L. Hollenstein

  • Assistant Professor of Statistics
  • M.S. 1997, Kansas State University
Xiaoyin Li

Xiaoyin Li

  • Assistant Professor of Statistics
  • Ph.D. 2015, University of Cergy-Pontoise (France)
Ibrahim Soumare

Ibrahim Soumare

  • Assistant Professor of Statistics
  • Director of the Statistical Consulting & Research Center
  • Ph.D. 2022, North Dakota State University
Richard A. Sundheim

Richard A. Sundheim

  • Professor of Statistics
  • Ph.D. 1979, Purdue University
Shiju Zhang

Shiju Zhang

  • Associate Professor of Statistics
  • Ph.D. 2005, University of Toledo

Office Staff

Robin J. O'Leary

  • Office Manager

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